Shona Peel of the London Graphic Centre is positive about the durability FREITAG.

Who are you?
I am the managing director of London Graphic Centre. When I came to London thirty years ago, I was given a job within 5 minutes. It was the eighties. I worked my way up but actually wanted to be a pop star, writing songs, composing for film, playing piano, singing and performing.

What happened to that dream?
I go to a lot of venues, the surrounding keeps me young. And I may take a courses in music at some point in the future. And maybe I am going to be an anonymous internet pop star!

Do you iron?
I iron eveything, apart from my underwear.

Analog or digital?
Analog with a hint of digital.

LGC sells magazines, isn’t print dead?
They appeal to our customers and I enjoy working with «People of Print». They’re mantra is «Print isn’t dead». You know, digital is disposable, it’s quick and rarely memorable – Print allows you time to absorb and take in what’s in front of you.

Do you have a compost heap?
No, but I use green recycling bags.

There’s a synergy between our two brands. I like the people. They’re innovative, fun and playful. The quality and the sustainability is very unique. It also appeals to our art customers and to their urban way of living because they’re innovative themselves.

What is London Graphic Centre?
We provide the products, the space and the knowledge that helps spark creativity.

What kind of music is in your store?
Silence is golden.

What kind music did you listen to recently?
Shura, Jack Garratt, Rationale, Jamie XX and Låpsley.

Irrespective of FREITAG, which is your favorite piece or brand in your store?
«Leuchtturm». We were massive on «Moleskine», but «Leuchtturm» is more for the artists.

Who buys and wears FREITAG in London?
People from the design industry. Practical and thinking people. Creative Professionals.

What’s the biggest cliché in your city?
Crowded, expensive and busy. In fact there a loads of quite places. And there are lots of places that are affordable because of the diversity that made London what it is today, especially the food culture. – And a lot of galleries and museums are free.

Best breakfast, lunch and dinner in London?
Weekdays Breakfast: El Ganso. Lunchday: The Wolseley – very traditional, very classy. Dinner: Rotorino – atmosphere, share tables, whatever you order, it never comes out what you ordered.

Where else, if not London?
Algarave, Portugal.

Which ist the most impressive and sustainbale innovation or project coming from the UK?
The Real Junk Food Project – a couple of Chefs gathered to set up a cafe in Leeds using tones of unwanted food. People pay with skills or money, you can for instance pay by washing up.

Would you rather be Daniel's oder Markus' sister?
I’m not gonna make a choice. The best of a bad option?

Is there anything you’d whish from FREITAG?
Stick to your sustainable values. Maybe a bicycle.

Thanks a lot for the photos, Samuel Lehuédé.