The reporters talked about «the secret of story telling» in Hamburg.


Note: Claas Relotius was a reporter for Der Spiegel until 2018. In December 2018, the news magazine revealed that he systematically and cunningly augmented his articles with made-up quotes and other details – and succeeded in deceiving Der Spiegel’s renowned internal fact-checking department along the way.


Claas Relotius is a writer for the German daily newspaper «Süddeutsche Zeitung», the NZZ Folio, Reportagen and The Guardian. He is a winner of the German Reporter Prize, the CNN Journalist Award and Media Award for Freelance.

Roland Schulz writes for the magazine of the «Süddeutsche Zeitung» as well as Geo magazine. His reports were honored with numerous awards, including the Axel-Springer-Preis and the Hansel Mieth Prize. He lives in Munich.

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