By Allan in the category Friends & ProjectsAllan here - one of the two Executive Global Pleasident for FREITAG. Let me tell you something about my plans to get my job done.
The whole thing began in 2009. I proposed a simple question to my friend Alex: «Alex, if I ask that couple over there to jump, do you think they'll do it?»
Well, to cut not such a long story shorter – yes, they jumped! And so it began ...

I loved this simple gesture, it created a moment of truth as if a veil had been lifted.
People let go and inherently expressed themselves. They smiled. I smiled. We all smiled together! Regardless of age, race, or religion - it would appear that in the air, we are all as one.
And for those of us rushing somewhere, well - it forces you to live in the moment, all you have to think about is landing! And so it became the starting point for our happy making movement, connecting with strangers and reigniting this childlike joy from within, then giving them a reminder in the form of an Instax picture.
#1 Stop somebody in the street
#2 Ask them to JUMP!
#3 Give them the picture
We'd love for you to try this out for yourself and share it with us here: #donthurry_behappy


You like jump pics? Don’t hurry over to my homepage and the DontHurry_BeHappy Instagram channel.