For example, blue and yellow were all the rage back then, which explains why you can almost always find that combination in F-Stores. But we’re especially keen on colors that are especially unusual to find on a truck. If it’s black or pink, bring it on over!
Of course, a tarp also needs to be of a certain quality if it wants to be made into a unique FREITAG product. If the tarps have holes in them, so will the bags. We won’t use any that feel like cardboard to the touch, either.

In tarp procurement – aka PLEK – our job is to ensure that the supply of materials for our unique products never dries up. To achieve this in 2018, we needed to provide our F-actory in Zurich with exactly 657 tons of truck tarps. Old tarps don’t simply grow on trees, so we also tour Europe to find our raw materials.