December 20, 10 am to 4 pm

Fake it till you make it is what our art directors Bianca and Raphaela always say. Or: if you look happy, you’ll eventually start feeling happy too. With that in mind, they’re going to dust off all their Photoshop tricks and use them to make you look as happy as possible.

Send them a photo of you (jpeg, max. 3 MB) and your email address and they’ll show you just how happy you look – and how happy you could look – by Christmas at the latest.

P.S. Happy-brushing a photo takes time. Don’t be sad if we don’t manage to get to your photo!


Because happiness is just as individual as our bags, we have been busy creating not just one, but 25 different ways to bring a smile to your face this Christmas. Hopefully at least one of them will do the trick!