Our fourth TARP BLANCHE film tugs at the heartstrings as we present a FREITAG love story.


In the fourth round of our TARP BLANCHE film series, the Stuttgart and London-based French animators VIK & NES go for our heartstrings and our tearducts with a story that will make even the most hardened trucker believe in love. MADE FOR/FROM EACH OTHER is the story of an impossible love at the edge of a transit route, and uses four kilos of clay to achieve what only love is usually capable of: setting the world on fire and turning everything (including the FREITAG bag production process) totally upside down. Merci beaucoup, VIK & NES!


MADE FOR/FROM EACH OTHER is the fourth film in our TARP BLANCHE series, where different animation artists from all around the world tell the FREITAG story – from truck till bag – from their own unique perspectives and totally independently of FREITAG. Do you want to rewatch the F-ilms that have already been released? This way.

The Artists

Victoria Jardine and Ines Pagniez are a Stuttgart- and London-based animation collective. They first met at secondary school in France with braces on their teeth and Doc Martens on their feet. Then, a few years later, they both studied animation direction at SUPINFOCOM. And they are the very first artists whose “about” segment we simply copied and pasted because it’s so cute. More cuteness to follow.

We’re in the middle of Hackney; what do you do here?

Ines: I live in London. It’s one of our workplaces; the other is in Stuttgart, where Vik lives. It can be a fruitful way of working for an international collective.

Why did you choose to work with clay?

Ines: Because we wanted to do something different from our daily work and because we wanted to work as little as possible on a computer. We like the contrast we were able to create: a story for adults with the cute look of the clay.

«I make a set, I take pictures, I destroy it and then I use it again. Like FREITAG, it’s a cycle.»

How much clay did you use for this project?

Ines: Probably around 4 kilograms for the TARP BLANCHE project film. We reuse it all the time. I make a set, I take pictures, I destroy it and then I use it again. Like FREITAG, it’s a cycle.

Where do you find inspiration?

Ines: In the kitchen. We think about something funny and laugh a lot; that leads to good ideas. We Skype a lot; just call, talk, have a beer and shoot ideas back and forth.

What was your first step when approaching the project?

Ines: We sat in the kitchen and decided we wanted to create a story about the relationship between a bag and a truck. It had to start with a truck and end with a bag; that was our constraint. Our inspiration was those cheesy commercials where there’s a love story between a couple and at the end you realize that all of it was just to sell something. Which had nothing to do with it, like cheese.

«Our inspiration was those cheesy commercials»

What does Vik do; what does Nes do?

Ines: I come up with an idea, then we discuss it. Vik does the storyboard and then we do the animatic together. Our art director, Guillaume Klein, begins the design and defines the general style. Ines works with the clay. Paul is the 2D animator. At the end, the clay is colored by Guillaume; he's our guy in Paris.
Vik: Before we forget, Kenny Wood is also involved – he's the music composer for this project.

What were the biggest challenges during this project?

Ines: The lack of space to build big clay backgrounds.

What is your favorite part of your film?

Nes: The picnic!
Vik: No, the playground.