F-ABRIC Denim - Biodegradable Textile

Denim jeans are back where the name came from: Europe.

Denim derives from «de Nîmes» and jeans from «Gênes», French for Genoa. But enough of the etymology and back to F-acts that have been tested at the factory. Thanks to new F-ABRIC denim from FREITAG, we finally have rugged, five-pocket jeans without rivets or polyester threads made in Europe using European bast fibers true hemp and linen. Naturally 100 % compostable.

...and that's what the others say

«Le denim devient vraiment immortel» 
Madame Le Figaro

«Freitag introduces the greenest denim range ever»
Sportswear International

«Es könnte der Stoff werden, aus dem die Epoche nach der Globalisierung gewebt wird.»
GDI Impuls

«The FREITAG style is durable and biodegradable, read: atemporal.»
WAD Magazine

«Una linea completamente green.»
La Repubblica

More about F-ABRIC