Keepin' it real in Athens
By Bianca in the category Product NewsAt FREITAG we don’t just want things well and good – we want them honest and real. After all, F-ABRIC is still workwear, even when it’s worn by models. For our photo shoots, we always look for interesting locations and sometimes source our models from the F-actory and other friendly places, rather than just from agency catalogs. So for instance, almost our entire crew has appeared in front of the camera for one of our stop-motion how-to bag videos.

For the F-ABRIC photo shoot of the new spring and summer collection in February 2016, our photographer Amanda Camenisch found Zachos Varfis and LATRAAC in Athens.
Zachos is an architect and skater, and his project LATRAAC is equally interesting from an architectural, visual and social perspective. If you live in the central but somewhat rundown district of Kerameikos, you’re most likely unemployed and come from somewhere that’s even worse off than Greece.
In the midst of it all, Zachos and his friends took over a derelict backyard and are now building an urban oasis in this urban desert, a transition skate park with a cafe for the local youth and anyone else who wants to use Athens’ first and only bowl. Zachos designed the plywood skate park using architectural CAD tools and it is now being built plank by plank by friends, acquaintances, locals and others keen to lend a hand.

Ok, let’s be honest: we and the models didn’t really do much construction work, what with all the photography, but still we pulled out weeds and painted some walls, which you can see in my photos below.
We’d like to thank Zachos Varvis and Amanda Camenisch for absolutely EVERYTHING! Thanks also to the models Kinga and Gabriel for helping out and the photography crew for carrying all the heavy gear, doing the lighting, make-up, wardrobe and letting us push you in front of the camera from time to time.