December 14, 10 am to 3 pm (CET)

  • After dialing David’s number, you have a whole minute to tell him about yourself, read him a poem you wrote, whatever you like – as long as it’s something you want to be praised for. (Just so you know, David speaks German and English, understands some French and has a smattering of Italian. So he’ll dole out any positive feedback in German or English, though he might be a little slower with the latter.)
  • When your minute is up, it’s David’s turn to give you 30 seconds of the most positive feedback known to man. 
  • If you’re in the mood and David has some time left over, you can switch things around for a bit.
  • Do make sure to hang up at some point so David has enough time to heap praise on other people.

*A connector’s job is to help make all the unique cogs in the high-performing F-Crew machine turn a little better, enabling us to take our slick bag-making skills to even loftier heights. Connectors wield a set of tools entrusted to us by a humorous, intelligent fellow at Beyond Leadership called Matthias Mölleney. The core idea behind Beyond Leadership is to build trust by answering questions – such as “Who am I and why am I here?” – in groups of three people (which change each time). Each person in the group talks without interruption for two minutes, after which they receive a minute of praise and positive feedback from the other two. Then the process repeats itself.

David is the kind of guy who would sigh if he saw you’d forgotten to dot a single i in a 20-page love letter. But his critical tendencies take a back seat in his role as a “connector”*: he listens, he nods, and he gives feedback brimming with positive vibes. Today, he’s going to be sitting with one hand on the phone, waiting for your call so he can praise you to the skies. Here’s how it works:


Because happiness is just as individual as our bags, we have been busy creating not just one, but 25 different ways to bring a smile to your face this Christmas. Hopefully at least one of them will do the trick!